On-line Series about Ancient and Modern Oriental Laws - ISSN 1828-1788

Iura Orientalia I (2005)


This 1st e.volume is "dedicated" to the venerable memory of the Pope John Paul II, whose teaching and pontificate will surely remain the memory of all the mankind.
Karol Wojtyla has returned back to the "Father's home" on April 2 - 2005
while we were working on this first number

Index and Preface by Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli


"Oriente" e "Occidente" nella storiografia europea: responsabilità dell'Occidente nella creazione
delle categorie orientalistiche e il ruolo assunto dai circoli culturali europei nella loro formulazione.

Onorato Bucci

The Author puts in light how and why the "oriental" cathegories have been expressed by European scholars during the recent centuries. The paper is a sort of "scientific prologue" for this 1st number Iura Orientalia


Note sul "diritto" nel Vicino Oriente Antico, ovvero i "Codici" mesopotamici
tra "fragmenta iuris" e "ordinamento"
Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli

The paper would like to give some notes, or better hints, about the question concerning "law" in Ancient Orient. So, the study is a brief survey on the Mesopotamian "Codes", their significance and some conclusions, in which the author shows that the "concept" of law is not an exclusive concept of the Roman juridical tradition but the Ancient Orient had got a clear idea of "law" notwithstanding the "general legal theory" (i.e. the abstract cathegories of law) were created by the Romans.

Brevi note sul concetto di "obbligazione" nell'Antico Oriente Mediterraneo
con particolare riferimento al diritto attico
Americo Fontanarosa

The paper examines the concept of "obligation" with special reference to Attic law and Medieterrean Orient.

Iura Hethitica I. Breve illustrazione circa le ricerche e le progettualità presso il Centro Mediterraneo Preclassico dell'Università degli studi di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa".
Massimiliano Marazzi

The Author gives a brief and interesting survey on the topic concerning the Hittite Law. So this is a first study, in which MARAZZI shows the bibliographical instruments and at the sametime the research efforts done by the University of Naples "Suor Orsola Benincasa" and the importance of the "Hittite Portal" for these important studies.


"Fragmenta Iuris Romani-Byzantini" nel Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium:
note per un primo studio.

Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli

The paper would be an "hint" about the influences of byzantine law in the new Code of the Canons of the Oriental (Catholic) Churches. Hence all the canons of the Code with reference to the Byzatine legislation as their own sources

Brevi note circa le relazioni tra l'Impero Romano d'Oriente e l'Antica Cina.
Li Jing

The paper presents a brief survery about the relationships between the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, with ancient China through the centuries


The International Symposium "Ius Ecclesiarum - Vehiculum Caritatis" was celebrated in Vatican City (19-23 November 2001) on the occasion of the X anniversary of the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium. Now the Acta Symposii are printed in a volume with the title "Ius Ecclesiarum - Vehiculum Caritatis" published by the Vatican Press Library (Vatican City 2005) under the patronage of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches and with the "supervision" as editors of SILVANO AGRESTINI & DANILO CECCARELLI MOROLLI (both scholars from the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome). Therefore it has been organized a presentation of the volume at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (Rome, 3 March, 2005). The meeting was a workshop on the CCEO. Relators were: H.B. Eminence Ignace Moussa I Daoud, Mons. Hanna Alwan, Prof. Hector Vall Vilardell sj, Prof. Cyril Vail' sj. Iura Orientalia has decided to publish in its 1st number the Acts proceedings from this meeting with the papers presented by the Relators during the session.

Indirizzo di Saluto del Magnifico Rettore del Pontificio Istituto Orientale.
Hèctor Vall Vilardell, Sj

Prolusione alla presentazione degli Atti
del Simposio Internazionale "Ius Ecclesiarum - Vehiculum Caritatis".

S.B. Em.ma Ignace Moussa I Daoud

Rapporto fra il Codice dei Canoni per le Chiese Orientali
e il Codice di Diritto Canonico per la Chiesa Latina.

Hanna Alwan

This paper examines the relationships between C.I.C. and C.C.E.O. analyzing some particular aspects. This direction of comparative study shows us the importance of the "comparative" study of both the canonical traditions (i.e. latin & oriental) to understand the unique canonical legislation of the Catholic Church

Il diritto canonico orientale quale materia di insegnamento.
Cyril Vasil',Sj

Oriental Canon Law is investigated by VASIL' as a "teaching subject" within the Faculties of Canon Law and especially at Pontifical Oriental Institute, which is until now the unique Faculty of Oriental Canon Law in the world.


Diritto musulmano e dei paesi islamici: tra orientalismo e comparazione giuridica.
Gian Maria Piccinelli

The Author, member of the important Italian tradition of studies concerning Islamic law, shows with this interesting paper that there is an Islamic Law and a law of the Islamic countries. PICCINELLI gives some pages full of reflections and hints also about the question concerning "orientalism" and comparative law. The study, so follows the "line" given by the Italian prestigious "school of Islamic law" founded by Professor FRANCESCO CASTRO in Rome

Alcune brevi note sul rapporto tra democrazia e giurisprudenza islamica (fiqh).
Marcellus Okenwa Udugbor

The paper bears some interesting reflections about "democracy" and law within the Islamic countries today.


Brevi Note circa la Carta Costituzionale del Governo in esilio del Tibet.
Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli
The paper gives some remarks on the Constitution of the Tibet in exil.

Occidentalizzazione e ricezione del diritto romano in Giappone.
Enrico Montanari

The paper gives some notes and remarks on the contacts between Japan and Roman Law and Tradition in the Japanese law.

Il "diritto" (fa) in Cina fra tradizione e modernità in materia di diritto di famiglia.
Breve riflessione sul rapporto fra l'emancipazione giuridica e sociale della donna
e la politica del Partito Comunista dal 1949 ai nostri giorni .

Leonardo Sacco

The paper is an outline regarding family law in modern China with special reference to women condition in China today.

VII SEZIONE - Book-reviews

One reviews written by ISABELLA BUCCI (a young archaeologist and scholar) on the interesting book: AA.VV., Roma, la Campania e l'Oriente cristiano antico, a cura di L. CIRILLO e G. RINALDI, Napoli, 2004 (Atti del Convegno di Studi Giubileo 2000, Napoli 9-11 ottobre 2000 - Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia).

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Iura Orientalia - Facoltà di Diritto Canonico orientale del Pontificio istituto Orientale- Piazza S. Maria Maggiore 7 - 00185 Roma