On-line Series about Ancient and Modern Oriental Laws - ISSN 1828-1788

Iura Orientalia II (2006)


Index and by Preface Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli


Note per un primo studio sul "ius processuale" nel Vicino Oriente Antico con particolare riferimento ai "Codici" mesopotamici.
Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli

In this paper the Author gives some relfections about the "origns" of the trials inside the Ancient Near West, analyzing the sources coming from the "Mesopotamian Codes".


Brevi note introduttive circa l' Eparhikon Biblion ("Libro dell'Eparca") quale prodromo
di un "Code du Commerce" nell'Impero Romano d'Oriente.

Leonardo Daniele

The Author, a young scholar of byzantine Law, investigates the "Eparkikon Biblion" in a general way as a first "Trade-Code" and also he gives a brief survey about the Preafectus Urbis in Constantinople

Cenni sull'importanza dei ritrovamenti papirologico-giuridici
di Dura, Nessana e Petra: studio introduttivo.

Giovanni Di Nucci

The paper give a survey about the discoveries from Dura,Nessana and Petra with particular reference to the paypri; therefore a study which is half "Oriental" and half "Occidental" (and for this reason we publish it inside this section of Iura Orientalia).


Note alla vigente legge Albanese sugli Enti Ecclesiastici.
Gaetano Dammacco

The Author is a great expert of the juridical and constitutional system in Albania; therefere hence some interesting notes about the Albanese Act on the Ecclesiastical Institutions.

The Canons of the Church and their ecclesiastical function: Some Remarks.
Constantin Rus

One of the most important point inside the canonistic science is the "function" of the "sacred canons"; the Author gives a survey on this topic with particular refernce towards oriental canon law.


Shari'a e cultura giuridica greco-romano-giudaico-cristiana.
Onorato Bucci

Shari'a e Costituzioni nei paesi musulmani: alcune brevi note e riflessioni.
Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli

The paper gives some notes and remarks about the constitutional law among the muslim countries; at last the Author puts in light that some constitutional concepts were already "adopted" by Islam in the middle age and at last the Author investigates the meaning of Sharia inside a constituional law-text.

La realtà operativa delle banche islamiche tra tradizione e innovazione.
di Giovanni Lippa

The study puts in light the banking system inside the muslim countries with particular reference to the pratical aspects.

Banche islamiche.
di Gian Maria Piccinelli

The paper is an outlook about the Islamic banking system in agreement with the islamic juridical tradition. So a description of the banking system on general level.

Raccolta del credito e finanziamento al terrorismo: brevi note.
di Alessandro Popoli

Problems connected with the financial channles of the terrorists: a brief survey with special reference to the Italian legislation and police activity.

Materiali per un dibattito sul fenomeno terroristico internazionale
con particolare riferimento a quello islamico.

Leonardo Sacco
The paper wants to give some juridical reflections concerning the international terrorism



Breve cronaca del Seminario Giuridico
"I sistemi economici nei paesi islamici fra normativa fiscale e rapporti bancari:
Isernia 27 aprile e 15 giugno 2005.

Americo Fontanarosa

This paper is a short cronicle about the juridical workshp held in Isernia on the topic: "economical systems in the muslim countries between fiscal rulers and banking relationships". The 4th section of Iura Orientalia is - for the great part - a collectin of the papers and lectures delivered inside the aforesaid workhop

Riflessioni sull'economia e la persona nel tempo della globalizzazione, ovvero: etica della trascendenza, etica mondana e villaggio globale.
Ugo Gobbi

At the end of the aforesaid workshop, professor Ugo Gobbi has been invited to give some conclusions; so hence the paper with Gobbi' conclusions and some interesting ideas about "human being" and "economy" in the modern world.

VII SECTION - Book-Reviews
